Again a big thank you to everyone who has signed and shared the petition. We’ve surpassed the 2,500 mark!
We’ve canvassed all of the communities affected by Motion 535. This includes; Rivervalley, Ridgewood, Ashfield and Knocksedan. The vast majority of residents support the Greenbelt’s protection.
Most recently we spoke with residents in Knocksedan. Of the 250 residents we met, 223 signed the petition (…or 89%) opposing Motion: 535 and supported the retention and protection of the Greenbelt.
95% of the residents we spoke to in Knocksedan were unaware that Motion: 535 had been put forward. Clearly, there had been no prior consultation with them beforehand.
This pattern is repeated in the other estates mentioned above, with even higher support for the Greenbelt (93%+).
It’s obvious there is mass opposition to Motion 535 tabled by Cllr. Manton under the Fingal Development Plan. There is no mandate for this motion and it should be withdrawn immediately.
Cllrs. are due to vote on Motion 535 in the next few days, so please act now before it’s too late.