Local Elections 7th June – Protect the Greenbelt

With the local elections taking place on the 7th of June, it’s important as a community we use our vote to protect our precious Greenbelt.
Councillor Support
5 of the 7 Swords Councillors actively supported the campaign to save the Greenbelt.
In addition, the vast majority of people in Swords supported saving the Greenbelt and opposed rezoning.
Despite this, Cllr. Brigid Manton (Fianna Fail) and Cllr. Darragh Butler (Fianna Fail) put forward motions calling for two Greenbelts to be rezoned (Rivervalley, Ridgewood, Ashfield and Knocksedan Greenbelt and Uniplumo Greenbelt, Rathbeale Road).
Social Democrats (no Councillor in Swords) gave FULL SUPPORT to the campaign, as did Solidarity – People Before Profit (no Councillor in Swords).
Unfortunately, Fine Gael (no Councillor in Swords) provided NO SUPPORT to the campaign and have voted to rezone Greenbelts in the past.
Please see more details below;

Impact of Rezoning
Rezoning our Greenbelt would lead to;
- environmental destruction, loss of biodiversity and pollution of already overdeveloped communities as the climate change crisis worsens
- four large estates merging (three existing and one new) into one concrete urban sprawl, including new roads through existing estates. Rivervalley, Ridgewood, Ashfield and Knocksedan would cease to exist as distinct communities.
- loss of the vital Uniplumo Greenbelt on the Rathbeale Road
- traffic chaos, gridlock, health and safety risks, especially for children
- unsustainable pressure on vital local services e.g. schools, healthcare, transport and social amenities
Large Surplus of Zoned Land
We realize there is a housing crisis. However, there is already a large surplus of residentially zoned land in Swords to cope with its planned growth. This has been confirmed by Fingal County Council’s CEO AnnMarie Farrelly and Council Planners. The solution is to build affordable houses on this land, not destroy a valuable Greenbelt.
Our Community
329 submissions were made by residents during the current (2023-2029) Development Plan consultation process (the largest number of submissions on any single issue) asking for the Greenbelt to be retained. Submissions were made by residents, community groups and Cllrs. In contrast 2 submissions asked for the Greenbelt to be rezoned.
This means 99.4% of our community want the Greenbelt protected.
In addition, over 2,500 residents (or 93%+ surveyed) signed a petition asking for the Greenbelt to be protected.
How Can You Help?
Please make your vote count on the 7th June and help protect our precious Greenbelt for now and future generations. Please share this information with your friends and family. Please encourage them to vote and save the Greenbelt too.
Thank you…